Is investing near retirement different from investing when you're in the "accumulation phase"?

​Is investing near retirement different from investing when you’re in the “accumulation phase”?Making investment decisions in today’s economic environment can be challenging to say the least.

  • Should you be fully invested in the stock market or should you be on the sidelines in cash?
  • Should you risk missing out on the next market rally by keeping your money on the sidelines or risk getting caught in the next market downturn?

At Judy Financial Group our investment strategy uses a diversification method that adapts to market and economic changes by investing in a large range of asset classes. By using these Dynamic Investment Allocation Strategies we aim to “tilt the odds” in the favor of the investors by steadily advancing asset allocation changes along with disciplined risk management. This isn’t a “get rich quick scheme” or in baseball terms hitting home runs, our goal is to hit consistent singles and doubles without striking out.

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